Sam Thik

Sam Thik, a Phnom Penh-based photographer, media designer and casual video creator who spends most of his time acquiring new knowledges in front of his computer. Sam is an avid observer, not so much a verbal expressionist which is why he finds other ways of expressing himself by using other art forms, mostly visual. Sam’s works usually revolve around spontaneous and calming visuals whether it’s street photography or a montage of moving pictures. For more info, please visit his Instagram.

01 Water Festival.jpg

001 Water Festival / There’s something very remarkable about Bon Om Touk or Water and Moon Festival that makes Cambodian people feel such sense of pride and full of joy especially knowing that this is the tradition that has been practice since the great Angkor era. For one, seeing hundred of boats from all over the country racing one another simply reminds us back to the time where the Khmer Navy was at their peak. This national three-day holiday is undoubtedly a time which many Cambodians spend the time to gather and celebrate with their families.

02 Monk Meditation.jpg

002 Monk Meditation / With all the distraction we’re experiencing and everything seems to be moving at a very fast pace, a lot of us can get caught up in the moment and become stressed out some time. That’s why doing self-reflection is very important. This particular photo offers a very peaceful mood. It tells us to slow-down and reflect on how far you’ve come.

03 Knong Psa.jpg

003 Knong Psa / Mountainous view overlooking the border between Kompong Speu and Koh Kong. You just can’t help but admire the breathtaking view mother nature has to offer.

04 Koh Rong Transit.jpg

004 Journey to Island - Cinematic / The sheer idea of stepping on the boat to isolate yourself to another piece of land is very thrilling. The feeling you get while sitting on a boat is fun and a bit anxious especially when there’s waves coming. However, this photo on the other hand managed to bring out the sensation of home sick and a feeling of solitude while riding into the unknown.

05 Kampot buffalo.jpg

005 Photogenic buffalo / A truly iconic scenery going to the countryside of Cambodia.You’d find yourself a lot of buffaloes just let loose and enjoy themselves strolling around within the paddy field. It certainly brings out the child side of you to want to play around with this beautiful and peaceful animal.


Roun Ry


Sao Sreymao